In the digital age consumers are sick of the online clutter so more and more are turning off the ads. Ad blocking usage jumped 11 percent in the past year, and this number is predicted to rise according to a new report from Adobe and anti-ad blocking firm PageFair.
Mike Colling, founder of media agency MC&C says “It’s unsurprising to see ad blocking on the rise, as the digital advertising industry as a whole has been failing to keep in mind that it’s a value exchange,”
So as an advertiser, how do you get the attention of the right audience?
MOVE (Measurement of Outdoor Visibility and Exposure) tells us that nine out 10 of Australian’s leave home each day and based on The Outdoor Media Associations research, ‘The Primal Advantage’ when people leave their homes, their primal instincts kick in, making them more alert and receptive to advertising messages,”
At Bishopp, we have a team of Outdoor Advertising experts who have travelled the length and breadth of Queensland to find the best sites for catching the attention of commuters.
Whether your objective is to build awareness of your brand, let consumers know where you’re located or communicate why you are better than your competitors, billboard advertising is a cost-effective way to reach a large, receptive audience.
You can’t ad block a billboard.